GreenStitched Offline
GreenStitched Offline is an event where sustainable fashion documentaries are screened in a cozy and relaxed environment which also facilitate sharing and enhancing our collective understanding on the topic.
These screenings are held in different cities all over and GreenStitched is looking for like minded partners to hold a screening in their city. For more information, please contact us at info@greenstitched.com or reach out to us on social media.
Desi Store Relaunch: w/ Films and Discussion in Bangalore | 5 May, 2018
Partnered with Desi for their store relaunch of home furnishings. Screened Seeds of Freedom with a panel discussion among Prasanna, Charaka; Vijayalakshmi Nachiar, Ethicus; Abhishek Jani, Fairtrade India and Ravi Kiran, metaphor racha.
SUSSout x GreenStitched in Delhi | 29 April, 2018
Along with partner Sustainable Style Speak (SUSS), hosted a first such film screening + discussion event in Delhi. Screening Unravel and Looms of Ladakh with talks by Kriti Tula, Doodlage and Abhilasha Bahuguna and Prasad Ramaswamy, Project Laksal.
Event Page
GreenStitched Offline in Bangalore | 25 April, 2018
As part of the Fashion Revolution Week 2018, screened Riverblue along with partners Fairtrade India and Fashion Revolution India.
Event Page
GreenStitched Offline in Mumbai | 17 February, 2018
Screened Frontline Fashion at ISDI Mumbai along with a panel discussion with Radhi Parekh, ARTISANS’; Yash Kotak, BoHeCo; Tanushree, Chindi; and Pavithra Mohanraj, Sustainability Nexus.
Event Page
GreenStitched Offline in Pune | 6 August, 2017
Hosted in collaboration with a popular terrace top screening venue Lost The Plot, coinciding with National Handloom Day.
Event Page
GreenStitched Offline in Bangalore | 25 April, 2017
Hosted in collaboration with Fashion Revolution India, Ecofolk and The Humming Tree as part of Fashion Revolution Week.
Event Page
GreenStitched Film Festival
Fashion is the second most polluting industry on earth, next only to oil. Still not much is known about this subject. Films can be a great way to increase awareness. GreenStitched Film Festival (GFF) is an event that attempts to do that. GFF is the only such film festival dedicated to sustainable fashion. The first GFF was held in Bangalore on 18th February, 2017. It saw a footfall of 110 people and screened documentaries on a wide range of topics such as organic cotton, fast fashion, slow fashion, innovation, recycling, design, etc. The event also hosted discussions with film makers and other stakeholders in the space.
Find out more about this event here – www.greenstitchedfilmfestival.com

We opened GreenStitched Film Festival for documentary submissions!
If you know of a documentary on the social and environmental impacts of fashion that should be seen far and wide, let us know.